Creative | Ideas for Home Garden Bedroom Kitchen - - Page 2

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Homemade Christmas ornaments made ​​of felt

Colorful, bright felt - a window of opportunity for an exciting and creative process of creating simple crafts. This time we’ll do pretty Christmas trees that can serve and Christmas decorations and New Year decorative elements of interior and charming brooches for your holiday attire. Follow the photo instructions. Incoming search terms: homemade decorations , creative christmas handmade , handmade crafts for garden , homemade bedroom decorations


Clothespins with enhanced functionality

Savvy designers from the creative union Swab Design developed an unusual project hangers home, brilliant in its simplicity. Inspiration “big wash”, or the one skill and ease with which women hang clothes, removing it from the machine, was the reason for the birth of the light collection of hangers-pegs called PINCE Alors. Huge clothespins bright colors will keep not only a heavy blanket on a rope, but the garment, bag of groceries, not to mention the little things like a towel, bathrobe, with a lamp cord, decorative garland, an umbrella or a hat with a scarf. Of course, you can…


Small ideas for small rooms

Each idea should be creative and be sure to consider its application to your life. But be sure to remember that the planning design small bedroom can not forget about ergonomics. This means that during the planning necessary to consider how it will be convenient to use everything that you have in mind. After all, the main purpose of creating a new interior, a small bedroom, is to ensure their own well in the interior. Incoming search terms: bright rooms , country house design ideas , interior design marine style , rooms for two kids


Stylish Home in Stockholm

Add a touch of stylish and good designers such as Jimmy Schonning and that you have a great recipe. Nothing works better for the children than the super sophisticated loft with creative solutions for storage, sober colors and concrete, which gives you a great sense of industry and functional approach to men’s lifestyle. This 495 square meter loft attic is more than just a residential project for a client. This is a private house Jimmy Schonning, where ideas are stored or, as others, the place where the magic happens! We’re talking about the creative process, of course!


Home fetishes

Sometimes crazy idea suddenly becomes commercially successful. It seems that you are going on about its own, somewhat child, dreams - and suddenly it becomes clear that many dream about the same. Before you - 3 bright example. Incoming search terms: crazy architecture , alpine garden ideas , crazy garden ideas , crazy home


Cork Stool One Flip Away From Becoming A Table

Designer Kenyon Yeh takes office button and cork board and connects them in a creative and functional furniture solution called simply tack. Made entirely of cork, pushpin is the result of fruitful cooperation with Taiwanese brand COOIMA. This is an unusual display of material that we are often faced calls us to explore it in a new way, with regard to its stability, strength of character and decorative features. This is a bold statement embodies easily find a contact form 38cm wide and 47cm in measuring. The Pushpin by from Kenyon Yeh is a flip turn-table with a stool, so…


Musical Influences In Your Kitchen: The Guitar Sink

The sink in the form of a guitar - as unique as it may be, can not change this situation, it can definitely bring positive touch to the process. Made to the creative mind Pearidge concrete and crafts, is a kind of design that leaves a lot of room for further improvisation, imagine how many shapes you can create a nice looking against the upper thread and some skills!

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