We bring to your attention a new master-class on making fun boxes with texture zebra. Unusual for a needlework casket with his hands made from an old shoe box, which will be found in any home. It is possible to lay down their tools and materials for creative, you can think of other uses.

Materials and tools are clean Styrofoam trays (used in the packaging of food products: meat, fruit, etc.)
pair of scissors, pencil, white / black and gray acrylic paint, paint brush tough

Trim the edges of your tray

Slice enough of squares and rectangles of any size in order to cover all the boxes

Now stick your figures to a box with a special adhesive that is suitable for bonding expanded polystyrene and cardboard.
Using a blunt pencil, draw a box on a soft surface zebra stripe. In fact, everything is very simple.
Take white acrylic paint and a brush tough. Carefully paint the entire surface of the box. Collect on a brush quite a bit of paint.
Now our striped box for needlework with their hands ready! It looks great.
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