Bonsai in the open field has recently become a promising trend in landscape design around the world. Initially, this trend originated in Japan, is the Japanese art of bonsai is a whole science to various schools and techniques of molding.
Bonsai garden does not differ from traditional Japanese, the main difference is that the size of the garden bonsai can be arbitrary. Basically, to create a tree in the garden are used are familiar to all pruning, pinching and vaccinated. As a material for the future of bonsai suitable young plant a fruit tree, unusual specimens.
Even the most unattractive tree with bare trunk can become as a result of an attractive bonsai plant. In many gardens there are trees that have lost decorative, such as cherry or apple. With the basic techniques of bonsai art they can make attractive specimens. First you need to remove unwanted small branches in the lower part of the crown, in the spring the top of the crown should be cut parallel to the ground. With annual cropping up crown caps will grow whole leaves, tree silhouette gradually change, will resemble the eastern tree.

Incoming search terms:
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