Specific | Ideas for Home Garden Bedroom Kitchen - HomeIdeasMag.com

All posts tagged specific

Specific white chair

Meltdown PP pipes each chair made ​​popular by British designer Tom Tsen. The chair polypropylene pipes which when heated seats and pressing the mold of former general in the stack water pipes. All tubes are melted and fused as they come into contact with high temperature, resulting in an irregular pattern of holes on the surface of the molded seat. This beautiful chair is made of pipes that have been redesigned.


Garlic hanging from the ceiling.

Soup and dumplings with garlic loaf of black bread with spicy savory bacon, garlic croutons and a thick, rich pea soup - the homeland of Ukrainian designer named Anton Naselevets this vegetable for centuries loved, respected and able to use in cooking, and in health prophylactically. Garlic as a symbol of national Ukrainian cuisine and cultural traditions, presented in the form of the original chandeliers called Garlic Lamp. I suppose there is no doubt that this lamp is designed specifically for the kitchen, and it has placed itself above the work or dining table. Shade of thick, maloprozrachnogo material, allows…


Student Break

There is something special about how to deal with specific Yael Tandler as everyday dough. I mean, obviously, you can knead it, but wanting to create unique objects, leaving the outcome of the force of gravity is not an easy solution to a common designer. For Yael is “the story of the everyday, the main material, which creates unique objects in the home assembly line.” Specific area Yael could be the beginning of endless possibilities and countless objects!

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