The homemade laundry basket from the building grid | Ideas for Home Garden Bedroom Kitchen -


The homemade laundry basket from the building grid

From the most simple grid and wooden circle can be a convenient and easy basket. The idea is particularly suitable for the garden, which is full of all building materials, and with baskets of laundry or other household needs.

For that you need a simple construction wire mesh (galvanized steel, used for fencing) and a wooden circle, anyone desired size. Other information you will need screws, nuts, washers and 4 wheels for free movement of the basket.

1. You need to paint the wooden circle and it is advisable to varnish. Wrap around the circle mesh trim excess with wire cutters.

2. Put the basket on the side, bend the mesh to the bottom of the basket

3. Fix the screw with nut and washer.

4. Finishing touches - Attach the wheels and all, can sew to basket case.

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