Comfortable and unusual Gym in one bench Eve Bailey | Ideas for Home Garden Bedroom Kitchen -


Comfortable and unusual Gym in one bench Eve Bailey

Gym in one bench offers us American designer of French origin Eve Bailey. It is called “Shoulder Path”, which means “the Way of the shoulder and is primarily intended for people who are engaged in sedentary work. With its help you can not only stretch, but keep in good shape many muscle groups without visiting the gym. Perhaps the idea to create the gym came to Yves because she herself, as a designer for a long time occupied with work sitting at the computer or drawing layouts at the table. Today, more people spend their working day in a sitting position, often forgetting about correct posture and the need to take breaks. All this leads to health problems such as scoliosis, prostatitis, gemorroy, and a big stomach. The list is quite terrifying, isn’t it? Of course, if you combine work and going to the gym, you Ohm has a simulator firm or you do on the Playground, you can easily avoid problems with health. The rest, I can recommend the bench “Shoulder Path”.
The principle of the simulator Eve Bailey is that almost every bend, a tab or a depression follow the contours of our body in its healthy state.

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