Traditional | Ideas for Home Garden Bedroom Kitchen -

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Gorgeous Collection from Sebastian Herkner for Moroso

German designer Sebastian Herkner recently released two new items with Moroso - Coat chair and a collection of baskets Bask. Collection baskets - a mix between modern and wire basket of traditional wicker basket. After a visit to the company in Spain, which produces fiber paper, he was inspired to create these baskets. What is - you can flip them over and use as bedside tables. Coat - a cozy chair without legs, which is completely on the floor. The idea of a gradient pattern on the fabric came from socks with silicone pads. The chair is very lightweight, durable,…


Private eco-home premium Soleta ZeroEnergy One

Private eco-house premium Soleta ZeroEnergy One is located in Bucharest, Romania. Soleta ZeroEnergy One was designed by the architectural firm FITS in the program for the creation of self-sufficient houses. Minimum energy consumption, low maintenance costs and environmental safety are an excellent alternative to traditional building technologies. Moreover, the modular design allows you to control the size of the house itself, adding additional units to expand the residence. Incoming search terms: eco house , ecohome , eco home , world best images bonsais


Warm textiles in interior

You can enjoy a new collection of home decor “Reflejos de Mi Tierra». Their wonderful blankets, throws, pillows and modern rugs really give comfort and warmth of home, you can make your home into a warm place. Holds an Italian company with a traditional old vintage style with a modern touch and elegance, and it’s probably one of the reasons why their products are so wonderful.


Fashion for bonsai

Bonsai in the open field has recently become a promising trend in landscape design around the world. Initially, this trend originated in Japan, is the Japanese art of bonsai is a whole science to various schools and techniques of molding. Bonsai garden does not differ from traditional Japanese, the main difference is that the size of the garden bonsai can be arbitrary. Basically, to create a tree in the garden are used are familiar to all pruning, pinching and vaccinated. As a material for the future of bonsai suitable young plant a fruit tree, unusual specimens. Even the most unattractive…


Ideas for the Garden

In this collection there is nothing extraordinary and revolutionary - all decisions are quite traditional, but they are great to be able to decorate your garden, even if it is large. Incoming search terms: ideasgarden


Japanese villa

Villa SSK if materialized from a parallel reality refuge Darth Vader, did not fit into the traditional business houses neighboring buildings. The interior is quite traditional - a spacious living room, dining room, guest room and bath with views of the ocean. Broad terrace in front of the house was originally conceived as a play area for the dogs, but now more often used hosts for parties. Incoming search terms: darth vader house


Swedish bedroom

When it comes to Scandinavian interior, the first thing that catches your eye is always bright, with many details lounges. However, the Swedes know how to work with more private areas. Despite the fact that each of the thirty bedrooms presented itself unique, common parts can still be traced. Incoming search terms: children rooms ideas , ladders in bedrooms , wallpaper on one wall only

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