Construction | Ideas for Home Garden Bedroom Kitchen -

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Bench and stool “Zieharsofika” from Harde Meike

Created by German designer Harde Meike - Zieharsofika is a set of benches and stools. According to the designer: “beauty-controlled draperies benches and stools visually translate them into a large dimension. Vypusklye circles, like a “wrinkle” in the upholstery hidden complicate construction. The fabric should play against their rules, but also to be tight as the skin without wrinkles. «Zieharsofika» does bulge like a “wrinkle” in the product of one of its most important features. Padding is performed using conventional foam pads, which, with a rubber band, serve as an ornamental species. In a small area is a rectangular foam,…


Takka - furniture collection series Agnieszka

In Poland, on the basis of design construction Agnieszka Mazur, had created a series of furniture called - Takka. Mnogofunktsionalnyynabor furniture designed for small and closed prostranstv.Komplekt furniture consists of a table and two chairs. Height stolareguliruetsya with a specially designed screw-butterfly. The design of the table allows you to use it as a table - with a height of 75 cm and a coffee with the height - 48 cm when the table is not used, it is possible to save space folded chairs - substituting them to the table. Incoming search terms: red dot award chair


Table of three triangles X-Plus Table

Presented designer Ksaoksi Shi (Xiaoxi Shi) and awarded in the competition red dot award in 2011, the concept of X-Plus Table - is a construction of three triangles. Incoming search terms: triangle table , concept triangle

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