Wonderful | Ideas for Home Garden Bedroom Kitchen - HomeIdeasMag.com - Page 2

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Traditional crafts combined with modern designer Yuhang. In their study on the natural and traditional materials, they have created a wonderful ethereal form chair Gu. The chair was made ​​of paper and bamboo. Agree, this is something new and interesting to people.


Biodegradable and Sustainable Home

This wonderful house is a small house designed and built Ottesjö Torsten. The building was built on the site. The idea is that housing, as impersonation. Residential has a convex walls that seal with the floor to create a sense of airiness and naturally curved seating space on the sides of the cabin. The structure of the free-standing, so the house can be re-anywhere, although the feeling that the house grew out of the ground.


The exteriors of the online magazine Lonny

Bimonthly online magazine Lonny is an excellent source for those who like the style of interior design, as well as for simple mods and fashionistas. Based designer Michelle Adams and photographer Patrick Cline, the publication publishes beautiful images, which can not inspire a wonderful exterior, no matter whether you are dreaming of the sun terrace on the roof, surrounded by dense vegetation or forest nest of paradise in a spacious pool. Create multiple levels in your garden, adding pavilions, which not only look great, but also can create a shadow, so necessary in the heat of summer. In a large-scale,…


Tappo: a table, a lamp made ​​of cardboard. Eco-design of Giorgio Caporaso

Cardboard furniture often frighten those who carelessly pays utilities and, therefore, will soon be forced to live frugally and simply. While designers are experimenting with cardboard vengeance and similar materials, building of these amazing eco-projects of modern furniture that would be the envy and people are used to living in a big way. For example, a wonderful low table Tappo, he’s lamp from Giorgio Caporaso, also included in the list of “cardboard” projects, though here only of cardboard base frame basis. Elegant and versatile decorative element, the original table Tappo will always blend in with the room decor and are…


Bathrooms Wood

It’s a wonderful parade bathrooms inspired diverse traditions of different countries, shows how to find the pieces of inspiration in these luxury bathroom sets around the world. These interiors are not intended to give an idea of typical homes or bathrooms in a particular country, but in order to take a pinch of flavor from each culture, mix it with a good dose of flavor and the sea of fantasy. Typical “Tuscan” turn in the interior emphasizes the old wooden beams, painting a dark spot on the background of gentle ocher shade rest of the room. Incoming search terms: fantasy…


New life of the old rectory of the 1800s in Heganase

Old house was empty for a few years before was purchased. This rectory was built in the late 1800s in Heganase, Sweden, and now it has become the perfect accommodation for both Isabel and Peter Landalov and their two children. The future owner, still viewing the house for the first time, immediately saw in him what she called a “harmonious world.” Isabel knew that this is the right place for them, in spite of its slightly Deteriorating condition. Original, unique architecture house was faithfully restored and is surrounded by a lovely garden. This wonderful home is in a quiet comfortable…


PiantaLà - Andrea Rekalidis Design

Beautiful garden would not be complete without climbing Morning Glories like to welcome you to the wonderful and Mandevilla, to pamper you. They cascade gently around all they can achieve. Smartly done, Piantala Italian designer Andrea Rekalidis encourages these wonderful herbs to follow primeru.Metallichesky rod is formed in all American white picket fence. It is a good idea to remind us of a swing in the yard of the tires. This trellis or stands with round feet, or they can be removed so you can stick your feet straight into the ground. You can use these sites almost anywhere in…

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