Perfectly | Ideas for Home Garden Bedroom Kitchen -

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Modern computer desk becomes easier - a laptop or tablet can be put on any surface. But this trend has another side - there is no place to put any small things, which in modern life quite a lot. It would be desirable to simultaneously everything was at hand and did not look scattered trash. Both of these tasks perfectly solves design designer Tomas Kral has called Homework. In addition to convenience, this table looks original and not boring. Incoming search terms: work table


Interesting furniture part 2

Typically, unusual furniture differs unusual forms, proportions and materials. It is important that these things fit perfectly in the interior. Even if it will need to redo the entire room (or even flat). Incoming search terms: дизайнерская мебель , interesting furniture designs , дезайнерская мебель , дизайнерская мебель екатеринбург


Interior with Bonsai

Plant, skillfully refines interior may well thinning. But if you do not want radical changes in design schemes room, and just want to make some small adjustments, you can use a bonsai tree. This bonsai tree can fill your room with tranquility, as well as provide you with a very relaxing activity that you will have when you carefully cut the mini branches that resemble the silhouettes of their big “brothers.”


Exotic furniture from Sicis Next Art

This unusual furniture perfectly good substitute for contemporary art. Who in the interior with furniture from Sicis Next Art, he does not need additional interior decoration. Collection of exotic furniture from Sicis Next Art breaks the boundaries between art and functionality. Designer Carla Tolomeo created this exotic furniture: chairs, armchairs, sofas inlaid mosaics.

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