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All posts tagged Garden

Japanese garden

In these photos predastavlen garden beautiful and unusual. Japanese garden essentially designed to promote peace and tranquility, so this garden design preferred designers in the world. You can plant your own beautiful and harmonious Japanese garden, adding elements that always exist in the Japanese garden design below: 1. Bonsai. The have item for creating beautiful Japanese garden plants bonsai trees. 2. Moss. Do not forget to put the item in the entrance and around the sides of the garden for the welcoming. These green make sense of calm and confidence. 3. Stone lantern. Get a mysterious, warm and exotic garden…


Relaxing Shallow Swing potato chip chair

Created in the form of chips, relaxing small garden swing chair has a round base, which had been turned to create two pairs of high and low points that are facing each other. Design Gisbert Baarmann, Germany, Swing Low as potato chip chair looks like a hyperbolic parabola and has a large fabric-covered wooden frame, which has been laminated to seal. Well suited for sitting and rocking and offers protection for the sun, inviting chair garden located in a saddle shape, which allows the fabric to stabilize the frame. Designed for indoor and outdoor use, the chairman of potato chips…


Rooftop Garden

Great love of gardening can be difficult to do in an environment that is not enough … backyard in any city. But we are here to offer alternative solutions to your home design questions. This decoration resembles an oasis. Anyone would be happy to have such a roof garden is not as simple as planting shrubs in the ground, but with research, good planning and determination, the project can significantly upgrade your life. Photos you will see the need to inspire you to create such a garden. Incoming search terms: Rooftop Garden , city gardening , gardening ideas , artistic…


Rooftop Garden Design Ideas Adding Freshness to Your Urban Home

You must dream of a garden on the roof of his mind, to clear the way to implementation. Consult with the builder or contractor if your roof can hold the pressure of the soil, container, and can do so on.In and rejoice. Observe the safety precautions, installing fences and miniature shelters to protect the plants from falling objects (if you are surrounded by taller buildings, for example). Many plants can be grown and talk to an expert about the service. The sprinkler installation is a great idea, especially in the summer. Plan and develop the perfect garden on the roof,…


Moots hydroponic garden tells you if plants need more water

The city is increasingly a problem with the plants, the concept of hydroponic gardening and living walls becoming quite popular among modern homeowners. If you are in indoor gardening and like to grow fresh vegetables and herbs right in the walls, Moots hydroponic garden can you zainteresovat.Nebolshoy hydroponic garden is well suited for small spaces and even tells you if the plant does not have sufficient water and food, or you just not enough time for them to follow. You can use a number of Moots pots together and manage them from a single location. Matej Korytár design for Electrolux…


Garden Tables by Langan Fine Arts

Presented today garden table, which can be used as Stepping Stones. Langan Art can not find a common element between the person table garden and Steppin stones to decorate their décor painted table. The material from which it is manufactured stone, unusual and very monumental figures, these objects are very distinct decor garden. Of course, everyone will love these pieces of stone in good shape in a hexagonal design. It is noteworthy that the surface of the tables for the garden you can enjoy and be inspired by forms of nature with artistic reasons very well handled. Incoming search terms:…


Fractal Garden - A Garden On Wheels

Andrea Legg, Deborah Lewis and Murray Legg art and architecture collective, Legge Lewis Legge, invented a very special garden. Named Fractal garden, this was done by connecting the parts rhomboid planters.Forma supported on wheels and integrated to give it a geometric shape and character. They are good for small roofs and summer terraces, which are generally devoid of vegetation.

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