Super-compact and ergonomic kitchens | Ideas for Home Garden Bedroom Kitchen -


Super-compact and ergonomic kitchens

It seems designers have finally heard our prayers and started developing furniture not only for Middle Eastern sultans’ palaces, but also for us, mortals – sloggers, workers and even loafers, living in small flats with kitchens as large as six square meters. You won’t play football in here, and you still have to put pans and dishes somewhere.
Small kitchens are the most common problem for multi-flat buildings in overpopulated districts of large cities. However, with some effort and creativity, a small kitchen may become a benefit in your friends’ and neighbors’ eyes, and you will never think of the limited space of your kitchen as of a disappointment.
How one can use kitchen space most efficiently?
In the first place kitchen is needed for cooking, and you don’t have to eat there. Although it is very convenient it is not really esthetic, so you could think of arranging place for having meals in other rooms. If it is impossible, you could equip your kitchen with transformable furniture and solve all of your problems.
Although some people may be skeptical about transformable furniture, it is not only functional, but without any doubt it is really beautiful too. German designers know all about it – for them small kitchen is a kitchen taking less than one square meter of space, like the one constructed by two German designers Kristin Laass and Norman Ebelt, pictures of which you can find in our collection.
Now look at what gurus of design have created.

Being one square meter large in shut state, it could be a table, an oven, a fridge and a cupboard. And just imagine how much it will amuse your guests!
Another example of daring design solution is the round kitchen. It could be installed in virtually any small kitchen, and likewise it could be perfect for offices wishing to have their own cooking place. It has absolutely everything that one could possibly need in it: a sink, a dishwashing machine and plenty of small but capacious storage chambers, and at the same time it takes only two square meters. 360-degrees access is also a major benefit of such a solution in many cases.
It is also a very interesting option that should be mentioned to put your entire kitchen inside of a full-wall cupboard – it will probably save not that much space, but it will let you to turn your kitchen into a dining room in one smooth move.
As you can see, there is plenty of ways to place furniture in even the smallest kitchen, and transformer conception in design is becoming more and more popular. Today, whatever is your kitchen design, you can always find a great variety of compact kitchen furniture sets of any form – like round or square, which will help you to save a lot of space.
Unfortunately, functionality, although being truly functional, is sometimes way too expensive. Now designers are racking their brains for the way to make their inventions become more available. Middle East sheikhs wouldn’t need it anyway.

Incoming search terms:

    table kitchen retractable

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