Apartment of the Week: the Smolensk Embankment | Ideas for Home Garden Bedroom Kitchen - HomeIdeasMag.com


Apartment of the Week: the Smolensk Embankment

Number of rooms: 2
Ceiling height: 3.7 m
Metric area: 96 m²

The apartment on the Smolensk Embankment has been rented by Vera for three years already. The owner, resident in France, let a completely void flat with crumbling plaster via CIAN. During the three years the dwelling has changed beyond recognition – the tenant took redecoration into her own hands. A vulgar cut-glass chandelier turned over a new leaf (Vera painted it snow-white), a pipe picked up in the street is now hung up on chains from a building materials store and functions as a clothes rack; many other interior details have transformed and look completely different as well.

Vera is a globe –trotter, and her every single journey fills up the flat with something new: the most recent newcomers in the house are old geographical maps, haggled over on a flea market in Italy, and a huge wall calendar.

Besides all the principal advantages, such as pedestrian accessibility of all the tenant’s offices, there is another one — the embankment, where one can spend a great evening watching the passing ships.

John Smith writes for Home Ideas Magazine. Visit his Google Profile

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