Autumn time - the nature of fading? Of course not. For many plants - this is just the dawn. After all, on the eve of winter, they are painted a bright flash garden, present in all its glory.
Towering golden panicles dense planting of “wild” plants. In the middle zone for this role are excellent goldenrod: hybrid or Canadian. Their blossoms last up to six weeks, which means that in our latitudes almost before the first snow. Geleniumy good and they bloom more than two months.
To late autumn blooming daylilies delight, various rudbeckia. Especially good rudbeckia dissected: its form compact clumps golden balls.
Indeed, these suburban ownership created by designers Landscape Bureau Eckersley Garden Archtecture, leave no one indifferent.
Sponsors succeeded in uniting all known to date styles at one site. It clearly reads regular planning inherent in the ancient royal gardens. But green spaces and planting more attracted to landscape style. In this extremely modern architectural heritage.
Long famous for autumn flowering Japanese anemone with large white, cream or pink flowers.
Though faded over the summer, but only fall to multiply its charm Badal hybrid and tolstolistnye, leaves are covered with snow and without the loss of juicy red and purple hues. Or, darmera which adopted until frost bright red color.
Incoming search terms:
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