Innovative Moods for Food | Ideas for Home Garden Bedroom Kitchen -


Innovative Moods for Food

Designer Henrik Hallberg from Stockholm, Sweden, to come up with a product ANTILOP highchair tray from Ikea. As a father of two, he found a chair that was not as boring as a creative person, he created an innovative swipe to make chairs more attractive and more colorful and interesting for detey.Podstavki made of silicon Mood for Food plates and napkins to prevent bowl from slipping, making eating easier for kids and their parents. Additonal benfits include reduced noise and improved hygiene, wipes can be washed either by hand or in the dishwasher mashine.Stolovyh comes in four different themes: “Vegas Baby” - inspired by the black table in Las Vegas, “Jack”, Qu’ils mangent de la muffin “- inspired by Marie Antoinette,” Mom .. we have a problem “- in space and aviation theme, and” Just another breakfast “- bling for Audrey Hepburn fans.

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